Great news for KS 1 teachers from 2014 you can study a non-European country of your choice
Key Stage1 (National Curriculum Draft 2013)
Understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a contrasting non-European country

Why not generate new enthusiasm in the classroom with an artefact box or a school bag? This could be supplemented with global readers and newspapers.

With the artefact boxes and school bags you can encourage your children to get the authentic feel of another place. The newspapers contain all the factual information about the place in a style which your children will enjoy reading. The global readers (and CD version) follow the lives of children in that place.

For Key Stage 2 everything you need for the Amazonian Rainforest
Key Stage 2 (National Curriculum Draft 2013)
Understand geographical similarities and difference through the study of human and physical geography of a region or area of the United Kingdom (different from that taught at KS1), a region or area in a European country, and a region or area within North or South America.
Your Amazonian Rainforest teaching will be enhanced by using the following resource materials:
 Rainforest Enquirer: a set of children’s newspapers covering Amazonia
 Images of Brazil CD: powerpoint of the whole of Brazil to set the context
 Images of Amazonia CD: powerpoint of the Amazon and its rainforests
 Amazonian Rainforest Locality Resource Pack: a set of artefacts bringing the rainforest into your classroom
 Caboclo- Information for Teachers: information about a group of people living in clearings along waterways in the rainforests
 Caboclo- Photopack: illustrating in 20 A 4 photographs the way of life of Caboclo people
 Caboclo- cross-curricular scheme of work: a set of seven detailed lesson plans
 Jose’s School Bag:includes small toy, some of his photographs, a map and more
 Rainforest Photo Interpretation Kit

Do take a look in our catalogue, at our special offer or on our website